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DFA Live Q&A And Scenarios
This is an audio version of our live event broadcast 21st May 2019 Share this:EmailPrintTwitterFacebookLinkedInReddit

The Irish Are Convinced That The Australian Economy Will Systematically Collapse!
Economist John Adams, Irish writer and Financial Advisor Eddie Hobbs and DFA’s Analyst Martin North compare the Australian and Irish economies ahead of their...

The Inter-generational Game of Thrones: The Property Imperative Weekly 25 May 2019
The latest edition of our weekly finance and property news digest with a distinctively Australian flavour. Share this:EmailPrintTwitterFacebookLinkedInReddit

Capital Gains? – Ready, Steady, Stop! (Podcast)
I discuss the latest from New Zealand with property expert Joe Wilkes, and we look at changes to capital gains, negative gearing and other...

What Are The Numbers Really Telling Us? (Podcast)
Property Insider Edwin Almeida and I discuss the latest auction clearance results and debunk the claims of a property market roaring back to life....

The Great Home Price Unwinding (Podcast)
We look at the latest real estate data from the US, where sales volumes are falling and home price growth is stalling. Share this:EmailPrintTwitterFacebookLinkedInReddit