The latest edition of our finance and property news digest with a distinctively Australian flavour.
0:00 Start
0:40 Introduction
1:00 Retail Turnover
2:25 New Loan Commitments
5:54 APRA Loan Deferrals
7:45 US Infrastructure Spending
14:45 US Digital Dollar
17:15 APRA Action Against Macquarie
19:49 ASIC Sues CBA
23:48 ASIC bans sale of Binary Options
26:45 HomeBuilder creates materials shortage
30:30 Sukkar And Irresponsible Lending
37:00 Conclusions…
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This is an edited version of a live discussion in which I explore the current emerging Russian situation with Robbie Barwick from The Citizens...
We discuss monetary policy in the light of today’s rate cut. Share this:EmailPrintTwitterFacebookLinkedInReddit
We dissect the Cairns property market in the light of recent articles suggesting its in for a significant upswing. DFA Live on Tuesday: